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How Does Natural Light Affect Mental Health

April 8 2021 , Written by Darrin Marion

The natural light in the garden is a good place for mental health. I have often found myself drawn to flowers and plants, especially when they are blooming and spreading their beautiful colors across the yard. My favorite gardening partner has always been the tulips that border our front lawn, and when she passes them on a day off from her gardening, I am thankful for her support and help. They brighten up our garden and bring relaxing colors into the home.


In addition to flower gardens, mental health can be improved by a beautiful garden too. Our family's outdoor recreation space has always been a haven for weekend nights and lazy days spent together. Outdoor movies, barbecues and cookouts with friends provide us with time to talk and catch up. It has become a place for my family to enjoy each other's company, laugh and gather for good times.


During the winter months, however, our flower garden is practically destroyed. Snow covers everything except the grass, which unfortunately turns brown quickly. Luckily my mother has developed a wonderful solution to making the lawn look beautiful all year round, while keeping the flower beds covered and free of snow. It has truly been an eye opener to how much beauty can be maintained in even the bleakest of times.


Mental health is important in other ways as well. Natural light and the fresh air can help clear your mind of stress and anxiety. Mental health professionals argue that sunshine helps increase serotonin production and improves moods, but there is no arguing that a beautiful garden filled with bright, colorful flowers, herbs and vegetables is a sure way to kill a stressful thought. Our mental health can improve so much more than just a sunny yard. Taking time out to walk or run in the fresh air is good for our overall health. When we clear our minds of stressful events, it is much easier to get back on track and start having fun again.


For those who are home bureaus, gardening is a great past time. Even on days when there is little chance of rain, working in the garden provides a great deal of exercise. If you do not have a garden, a simple walk in the neighborhood provides the same mental and physical benefits. Gardening is also one of the most affordable hobbies money can buy. There are many books and videos on how to get started and the supplies needed.


Many people suffer from insomnia. The lack of sunlight has been linked to the risk of increased sleeping disorders. It makes sense then that spending a few hours each day in a flower garden filled with fragrant herbs, relaxing flowers, delightful vegetables, and brightly colored seasonal plants may improve your health and cut down on your risk of insomnia. Mental health experts have long reported the health benefits of a healthy natural light and color combination. The health benefits of a flower garden are widely documented and well-known among many health and wellness community.

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